Traditions Seniors Housing



Investments in seniors housing continues to be the number 1 performing asset class in the commercial market sector. Resilient and secure this market promises to continue to flourish with unmatched growth.

United States seniors housing demand reflects the similar demand pressure the Canadian market will experience as over 10,000 adults turn 65 each day underscoring a gathering storm in this asset class.

Seniors Housing Diagram

Seniors Chart.png

Canada's senior population is expected to grow more than any other age sector in North America. This creates strong demand for quality seniors housing. 

The chart to the left is the expected population of seniors in both high and low growth scenarios published by Huffington Post in May of 2018. 



The chart on the right was published by National Post May 2018 and shows the number of seniors residents available on the market compared to the national vacancy rate. 

As you can see, although the number of units in the market is improving, demand is still far outpacing supply.

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